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Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program

Through the NSNP, prospective immigrants who have the skills and experience targeted by Nova Scotia may be nominated to immigrate. Receiving a Nova Scotia Provincial Nomination Certificate speeds up the overall immigration process.

Through the NSNP, prospective immigrants who have the skills and experience targeted by Nova Scotia may be nominated to immigrate.

The Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program (NSPNP) is comprised of five streams:

  • Nova Scotia Demand Express Entry ;
  • Nova Scotia Experience Express Entry;
  • Nova Scotia Skilled Worker;
  • Nova Scotia Entrepreneur;
  • International Graduate Entrepreneur;

Nova Scotia Demand Express Entry Stream

The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration promotes its own Express Entry stream. It enables the province to nominate qualified candidates for admission to Canada under the federalExpress Entry immigration system, without a sponsoring employer. The province nominates qualified applicants from the federal Express Entry pool.

The Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry stream is aimed at selecting applicants who have the education, experience, language proficiency and adaptability to successfully establish in Nova Scotia and contribute to the province’s development. Nomination is based on a points system, where applicants receive consideration under the following factors:

  • Education and Training;
  • Work Experience;
  • Language Ability;
  • Age;
  • Connections to Nova Scotia, including family, job offer, work or study experience in the province.

Applicants must score a minimum of 67 out of a possible 100 points under the above mentioned selection factors to be considered for nomination. Applicants must also meet the following mandatory criteria:

  • Have a minimum of one year of work experience in the past five years which must be related to an occupation appearing on the Nova Scotia Opportunity Occupations list;
  • Have a minimum of one year of work experience in the past five years in their intended occupation in an occupation classified as Skill level 0, A, B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC);
  • Demonstrate a minimum language proficiency of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7, or higher if required by employers or regulatory bodies;
  • Demonstrate sufficient settlement funds if applying without an approved job offer.

Nova Scotia Opportunity Occupations list

Individuals with a minimum of one year of work experience in the past five years related to one of the below Opportunity Occupations may qualify to apply under the Nova Scotia: Express Entry Stream without a sponsoring employer:

  • 1111 Financial auditors and accountants
  • 1112 Financial and Investment Analysts
  • 1121 Human Resources Professionals
  • 1125 Purchasing Agents and Officers
  • 2113 Geoscientists and Oceanographers
  • 2131 Civil engineers
  • 2132 Mechanical engineers
  • 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers
  • 2141 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers
  • 2147 Computer Engineers
  • 2171 Information systems analysts and consultants
  • 2172 Database Analysts and Data Administrators
  • 2173 Software Engineers and Designers
  • 2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers
  • 2175 Web Designers and Developers
  • 2231 Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians
  • 2232 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
  • 2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
  • 2253 Drafting Technologists and Technicians
  • 2262 Engineering Inspectors and Regulatory Officers
  • 2282 User support technicians
  • 3012 Registered Nurses
  • 3142 Physiotherapists
  • 3143 Occupational Therapists
  • 3211 Medical Labouratory Technologists and Pathologists’ Assistants
  • 3233 Licensed Practical Nurses
  • 4151 Psychologists
  • 4153 Family, Marriage and Other Related Counsellors
  • 6235 Financial Sales Representatives

Nova Scotia Experience Express Entry stream

The Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry stream selects highly skilled individuals who wish to live in Nova Scotia permanently. Applicants must have at least one year of experience working in Nova Scotia in a high skilled occupation.

Candidates in this category must meet the following criteria:

  • Have at least 1 year of work experience in Nova Scotia;
  • Be 21 to 55 years old;
  • Have a Canadian high school credential or equivalent;
  • Prove language ability in English or French on the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB). Candidates need CLB 7 for skilled work in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 0 and A. Candidates need CLB 5 for NOC B positions;
  • Have a profile registered in Citizenship and Immigration Canada’sExpress Entry.

Nova Scotia Skilled Worker

The Skilled Worker stream helps employers recruit foreign workers and recently graduated international students whose skills are needed in Nova Scotia. An employer can only hire foreign workers for positions they have been unable to fill with permanent residents or Canadian citizens.

Candidates in this category must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a full-time permanent job offer from a Nova Scotia employer;
  • Have 1 year of work experience related to the job;
  • Semi-skilled and low-skilled workers must have six months experience with the employer;
  • Be 21 to 55 years old;
  • Have a high school diploma;
  • Have the appropriate training, skills or accreditation for the job;
  • Prove language ability equal to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) Level 5 if you are a skilled worker. If your first language is English or French, that is enough proof. Semi-skilled and low-skilled workers must have test results to prove they meet CLB 4 even if their first language is English or French;
  • Show enough financial resources to successfully settle in Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia Entrepreneur

The Entrepreneur Stream is for experienced business owners or senior business managers who want to live in Nova Scotia. They must start a new business or buy an existing business and must actively participate in the day-to-day management of the business. After operating the business for a year, the entrepreneur may be nominated for permanent resident status. Application to the stream is by invitation only.

Candidates in this category must meet the following criteria:

  • Be 21 years of age or older;
  • Want to live permanently in Nova Scotia while owning and actively managing a Nova Scotia business;
  • Have a net worth of at least $600,000 CAD;
  • Be able to invest at least $150,000 CAD of your own money to establish a business in Nova Scotia;
  • Have at least 3 years’ experience actively managing and owning a business (1/3 ownership minimum) OR more than 5 years’ experience in a senior business management role;
  • Have a score of at least 5 on the Canadian Language Benchmark in speaking, listening, reading and writing in English or French;
  • Complete an onlineExpression of Interest,which will be available at 12 noon (AST) on Jan. 1, 2016 ;
  • Receive an Invitation to Apply from the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration.

International Graduate Entrepreneur

The International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream is for recent graduates of a Nova Scotia university or the Nova Scotia Community College. They must have already started or bought a Nova Scotia business and operated it for at least a year. If they intend to settle in Nova Scotia, the graduate may be nominated for permanent resident status. Application to the stream is by invitation only.

Candidates in this category must meet the following criteria:

  • Want to live permanently in Nova Scotia while owning and actively managing a Nova Scotia business;
  • Have at least 1 year continuous experience actively managing and owning your current Nova Scotia business (100% ownership minimum);
  • Have completed a degree or diploma after at least 2 academic years of full-time, in-person study at a university in Nova Scotia or the Nova Scotia Community College;
  • Have a valid post-graduation work permit;
  • Have a score of at least 7 on the Canadian Language Benchmark in speaking, listening, reading and writing in English or French;
  • Complete an onlineExpression of Interest,which will be available at 12 noon (AST) on Jan. 1, 2016;
  • Receive an Invitation to Apply from the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration.

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