New office location at Dhaka - 1st Floor, H-863, R-13, Avenue-3, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka

Quebec Self employed Program

Self-employed applicants are primarily differentiated from skilled worker applicants in that to qualify the self-employed must have two years of applicable experience, possess a personal net worth of $100,000 CAD, have sufficient settlement funding and will come to Quebec to create employment for the applicant by practicing a profession defined in the National Occupational Classification. Prospective applicants must also meet applicable occupational entry or licensing requirements.


  • Intend to live in Quebec
  • Intent to create own job in Quebec
  • Net worth of $100,000
  • 2 Years of experience in the last 5 in the profession to conduct in Quebec
  • No specific educational requirement or follow up
  • Single applicants must obtain 38 points out of a possible 75 points during pre-selection and 44 points out of a possible 81 points on selection.
  • Applicants with a spouse or de facto spouse must obtain 45 points out of a possible 87 points at pre-selection and 51 points out of a possible 93 points at selection.